Friday 24 July 2015

What you require to build a smart website

Many websites are great in terms of design, but dumb when it comes to user experience. Websites have moved from traditional online information platforms to living, active and interactive digital platforms that operate virtually like automated offices.
In fact, chances are that people are going to make contact with your website before they come in contact with you. Therefore, making a great first impression is a smart move. If your website is not functional, you need to tidy it up quickly. In fact, it will be great if you can get this done before looking at directing traffic to it.
A great website takes time, money and patience to get things done in the right way. Great websites are not only about design; they also answer the critical customer’s question, “Why am I here?” Most websites are developed and designed by developers who focus on extensive applications, aesthetics but little on marketing, value propositions and sales. Websites should ensure they answer all questions around credibility, authenticity and quality of businesses.
They have an overriding purpose
A key lesson from one of the most popular websites in the world,, is the essence of an overriding purpose. If you don’t know the purpose of your website, stop reading this article and go and figure that out because that is more important. There are billions of websites that are developed every day. But clearly-defined purpose is what differentiates one from the other.
What do you want those who visit to do? Make a phone call, download your brochure or drop their emails? As a website owner, you need to decide your typical customers and the objective the website will deliver. They have clear instructions and call-to-actions that get people to interact with the website.
Great designs are customer-focused
Great designs are beautiful, but people will soon forget a ‘paper tiger’. You do not only need to get your designer to focus on the technicalities, your website also needs to have the consumer at the centre of your online activities. You need to work with your designer to create a website that incorporates all your needs. It should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, content optimised and search-engine friendly.
Magnetic content
The content of a highly-effective website is developed to provide insight, establish credibility, provoke action and turn mere visitors into clients. Using a balance of images, video, audio, presentations and convincing call-to-actions, they make the website visitors feel at home. The content of websites does not only talk about your business, it also talks about your customers.
They are built with content management system
Whether customised or the most common types of the CMS, they provide powerful features that make tweaking and updating easy. Most successful websites are integrated with useful blogs that provide a steady flow of value. If you need to look for your designer for every minor change to your website, there is a problem.
They are search engine optimised.
Most buying decisions begin with a Google search. Everyday, people visit top search engines in order to find what they need. Your website structure and content needs to be optimised with keywords because that is how they will find you.
They are simple to navigate
Forget those flashy displays. When your customers need good animation and videos, they know where to find them. Apply common sense by placing the most important links first. A cluttered homepage is like a scattered office. Keep things simple and smart.
They are mobile and social friendly
They are not only friendly to customers, they are only loaded easily. Apart from that, they are easy to navigate via mobile phones and tablets. Your social media should also be integrated into them. It is no longer news that more people are likely to visit your website via mobile devices. If your website is not effective via mobile phones, it will cost you customers.
They tell great stories
The content of your website must be tied with a great story. Your colours, messages, history must all tie into a brand story. Create opportunities for customers to share their testimonials. Smart websites leave a smart impression.
They deliver results
Smart websites are fitted with tracking and analytical tools that help measure traffic. These metrics allow for continual adjustments and alignment in order to optimise the website for maximum results.
It is becoming increasingly important for businesses to focus on ever-active employees.